DHL renews fleet demonstrator partnership with Ford

DHL Supply Chain has announced that its automotive marketing and sales support business, Inside Track, has renewed its partnership with Ford in the UK to manage its Fleet Demonstrator programme for a further three years.

Designed to encourage new and existing customers to experience Ford’s product range via an extended test drive, DHL Supply Chain will manage all aspects of the programme including customer booking, delivery and collection, vehicle conditioning and fleet management.

DHL Supply Chain will continue its focus on the customer experience through greater use of technology at the service touch points. The extension of a fully on-line booking portal, where customers can book test drive vehicles quickly and gain immediate confirmation, will be integral to this approach. In addition, the latest driver mobile ‘app’ allows customers to track the delivery status of their order and the location of the vehicle at any time.  

Colin Stokes, Managing Director of DHL Supply Chain’s Inside Track said, “We are proud of the quality and consistency of service that we have delivered to Ford in the UK over the years, and look forward to building on this in the future. I am confident that the implementation of new technologies and innovative solutions will ensure Ford retains a market-leading customer experience within the fleet and business sector, and we are delighted to be continuing our partnership.”

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