Prologis to develop 55,000 sq m in Belgium

Prologis, Inc announced that it has signed a 55,000 sq m agreement at Prologis Park Liège, Belgium with Skechers, a performance and lifestyle footwear manufacturer.

The development will represent Skechers’ third expansion at Prologis Park Liège, and will increase the company’s total space there to more than 100,000 sq m.

Bram Verhoeven, country manager, Prologis Benelux said of the announcement, “Skechers began operating at the park in 2002 with 25,000 sq m,” adding “This increased in 2009 by 25,000 sq m. Skechers’ lease of another 55,000 square metres reflects our strong long-term partnership with this global company.”

Prologis Park Liège has access to the A40, a major road near Liège, in Belgium. In addition, the park is close to the German border and is an hour’s drive from Brussels.

As of September 30, 2015, Prologis had 1.8m sq m of logistics and distribution real estate in the Benelux region.