Australia Post invests in Newcastle e-commerce

Australia Post

Australia Post opens a new parcel processing and delivery centre and business hub in Mayfield West to support Newcastle’s e-commerce market.

The Newcastle Parcel Delivery Centre and Hunter Business Hub consolidates operations previously spread across four smaller sites in Newcastle, Warabrook and Sandgate, Australia. Australia Post claims the co-location will streamline transport connections, providing customers with a more efficient operation and improved pick-up and delivery times.

StarTrack CEO & Executive General Manager Parcel and eCommerce Services, Bob Black, said the site consolidation will benefit customers and strengthen the sustainability of the StarTrack parcels business in Newcastle.

“Newcastle is a vitally important area for Australia Post and our StarTrack parcels business. The new facility is great for customers, for jobs in the region and for future growth of our business,” Black said, adding, “Not only does the new site provide for improved parcel processing and delivery, but the onsite Business Hub provides a great customer experience for local enterprises looking for Australia Post and StarTrack services to support them as they grow e-commerce in the region.

“The fit-out of the new site was a very sound investment taking into consideration the operational efficiencies that we can gain and the scope for expected growth.”

Australia Post’s figures show that Newcastle is a particularly strong region for online fashion purchases, averaging one fashion purchase per household per year – three times the state average. Nearby West Wallsend recorded 43.6% year-on-year growth in online fashion purchases.

Source: Australia Post

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