BNSF announces $3.57bn investment plan

BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) has announced its 2019 capital investment plan of $3.57bn. The maintenance and expansion of its network is the emphasis of the plan. BNSF has invested nearly $65bn into its network since 2000.

The largest component of the 2019 plan will be to replace and maintain BNSF’s core network and related assets. The maintenance component of 2019’s plan is expected to cost around $2.5bn. The projects included replacing and upgrading rail as well as track infrastructure and maintaining its rolling stock. Approximately $760m of 2019’s capital plan has been allocated for expansion and efficiency projects. The majority of the expansion projects are planned on the Northern and Southern Transcon routes, connecting southern California with Chicago and the Pacific north-west to upper mid-west respectively. About $340m of this year’s capital plan is for freight cars, locomotives, and other equipment acquisitions.

“Our rail network is in excellent shape and its condition is a direct result of our continued capital investments,” said Carl Ice, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We work tirelessly to provide the level of service our customers expect and to position ourselves well for future growth opportunities.”

Source: BNSF

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