Bolloré Solutions Logistiques (BSL) opens its first logistics centre dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry at Strasbourg airport

Bolloré Logistics

Located at the Strasbourg Airport business park, the Skyparc, and close to airport facilities, freight operators, airlines, customs, and police forces, the new platform will streamline operations while providing motorway connections.

This 10,000 m² temperature-controlled logistics centre has been providing high-value-added services for the flow of pharmaceutical products since January 2022.

Thanks to the commitment of everyone involved, the entire project took only nine months to complete. The site includes two 5,000 m² cells that are temperature-controlled at +2°/+8°C, +15°/+25°C and -20°C. These cells are for storage and logistics operations, including processing air and sea export flows.

Two pharmacists are permanently on-site to ensure that operations are processed according to the public health code and good distribution and manufacturing practices. The ISO 13485 certification for medical devices was awarded last September.

This new logistics platform complies with the international TAPA FSR B certification, a benchmark of excellence for the safety and security of freight, making it possible to achieve the “Agent Habilité Logisticien” (Authorised Logistics Agent) accreditation.

During its construction, the project also obtained the BREEAM Very Good certification for its high level of environmental performance.

“Efficient and sustainable use of available land is a priority for Strasbourg Airport. The new logistics centre dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry, supported by Bolloré Solutions Logistiques, places Strasbourg Airport more than ever at the heart of the region’s economic development,” says Renaud Paubelle, CEO of Strasbourg Airport.

Source: Bolloré Group

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