bpost has reported that almost all letters and parcels are now delivered without emissions in the postcode area 1000 in Brussels, which extends from the morning market in the north to Bois de la Cambre in the south of the city. Mail is delivered on regular rounds within that zone on foot or using electric vehicles and electric bike trailers.
A hybrid network of 31 pick-up points has been selected based on strategic location and accessibility criteria. Citizens never have to go more than 500 metres to pick up a parcel, which they can do as part of their commute or when they do their shopping.
In partnership with VUB-MOBI, bpost has launched a project to transform the 19 municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR) into one large Ecozone in which all deliveries will be made emission-free by 2025. bpost’s aim is to show that a carbon-neutral logistics system can be set up in the BCR by drawing on a combination of different logistics solutions (electric vehicles and e-bikes, a dense pick-up point network) and urban micro-hubs.
bpost’s ambition is to establish zero-emission deliveries in 25 Belgian cities by 2025, by adopting electric vehicles, electric bike trailers and a dense network of pick-up points (post offices, post points, parcel points) and parcel lockers. The current Ecozones are Mechelen, Leuven, Namur, Mons and Louvain-la-Neuve. In Mechelen bpost has reportedly cut carbon emissions in connection with home deliveries and deliveries to pick-up points by 97%.
Source: bpost