Love is in the air or the container!

In light of Valentine’s Day, Zepol wanted to take a look at how much ‘love’ will be given out this year compared to last year. Using its TradeIQ Import, Zepol looked at imports of Valentine-themed gifts, from cards, to stuffed animals and candy. The results? This holiday is looking very optimistic! Container imports of Valentine gifts increased by over 10% this holiday season compared to last year. Let the graph below illustrate for itself.

We know you’re just dying to find out, where is all of this ‘love’ coming from? The majority, not surprisingly, is sourced from China. In fact, more than 70% of Valentine-themed gifts come from China. Smaller amounts of goods (mostly apparel) are sourced from Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Nicaragua.

Ti would like to thank Zepol for providing this blog content. To view the blog via the Zepol website click here.