Dachser Air & Sea Logistics launches 30th charter flight to deliver medical items

The family-owned DACHSER is investing some €25m in the construction of a new logistics location in Kassel, Germany.

Since the start of the coronavirus crisis at the end of February, Dachser Air & Sea Logistics has chartered 30 aircraft and transported a total of over 60m respiratory masks plus medical items, such as personal protective equipment and protective gloves, for its customers. At the end of April, Dachser organised eight charter flights in one week for the first time in the company’s history, including three on the Hong Kong—Los Angeles route.

“With these flights, we can offer our customers access to capacity for all Dachser branches in the US as well as various locations in Latin America,” says Timo Stroh, Head of Global Air Freight at Dachser. Dachser is preparing similar so-called “mini” air charters for the Shanghai—Dallas, Shanghai—Los Angeles, and Hong Kong—Dallas connections.

In arranging these charter flights, the logistics provider helps to support its customers in the supply of important medical goods. At the same time, it is aiming to compensate for the decline in air freight capacity, which has shrunk by half due to both the global pandemic and the almost complete suspension of passenger flights.

Source: Dachser

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