DACHSER starts daily flights from China & Hong Kong to Frankfurt

DACHSER has arranged fixed daily air freight services with commercial airlines in China for direct flights from Shanghai Airport to Frankfurt. DACHSER also offers a daily service from Hong Kong to its Frankfurt gateway. On this route between Hong Kong and Frankfurt, DACHSER also operates its own network charter flight every Friday. This flight aim to handle general cargo as well as, on request, special cargo in the fields of life science and healthcare, hazardous goods, and special sizes.

After arrival at the DACHSER Frankfurt Gateway, the shipments can be immediately forwarded via DACHSER’s overland transportation network to various European countries such as Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Slovakia and, of course, within Germany. DACHSER intends to provide a holistic supply chain solution by reducing complexity through its control and risk management. 


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