DHL Supply Chain is one of the first customers to deploy Google’s Glass Enterprise Edition 2 glasses.
The smart glasses were first piloted in 2015, following test runs in the USA, Europe and the UK, DHL Supply Chain has rolled out this technology step by step over the past few years and is now using vision picking in most geographical regions.
The glasses can virtually support the vision picking process in warehouses. DHL claims the use of augmented reality in warehouses is creating a more accurate and efficient picking process, and that Supply Chain’s success with the smart glasses in contract logistics has also convinced other DHL business units. DHL Express will also use these wearables in its hubs. International express delivery employees are using smart glasses at freight hubs in Brussels, Belgium, and at Los Angeles Airport, USA. Further deployments are planned at US airports, including; New York, Cincinnati and Chicago.
“These glasses and other wearables such as ring scanners and Smart Watches are already being used commercially in many of our warehouses. These applications are only one part of a company-wide digitalisation strategy at DHL Supply Chain, that includes the use of robots, drones, autonomous vehicles and many other technologies. The possibility of object recognition is also particularly promising for us in industrial applications,” explained Markus Voss, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Information Officer of DHL Supply Chain.
Source: Deutsche Post DHL Group