DPD BeLux opens new hub in Vilvoorde

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DPD BeLux opened a new DPD hub in Vilvoorde. The building not only houses the hub, but also a new depot for parcel delivery in the Brussels region. In addition, the headquarters of DPD BeLux and the DPD fresh depot are also located on the new site.

In the new hub, which has an area of 10,000 sq m, DPD BeLux can process up to 20,000 parcels per hour. A 4,500 sq m warehouse has been built on the floor above the hub, which can handle up to 6,000 parcels per hour. DPD BeLux claims it now has the first ever multi-storey distribution building with direct connections between the loading and unloading areas. DPD fresh, the department responsible for the delivery of chilled and frozen fresh food, has a separate loading and unloading infrastructure with direct access to the chilling and freezing rooms.

On the roof, 734 solar panels provide renewable energy that is also used to recharge its fleet of electric vehicles. In addition, DPD BeLux has a 160,000-litre rainwater collection system and various green areas and a wadi have been created on the surrounding 60,000 sq m, where surface water can slowly seep into the ground. A bio-rotor functions as a water purification plant. DPDgroup has set itself the target of emitting at least 30% less CO2 by 2030, and by 2040 it wants to reduce its own climate gas emissions by 90%.

The entire building in Vilvoorde represents an investment of 52m euros. DPD BeLux now has two large international hubs: one in Oirschot, the Netherlands, from which Northern Europe and the UK are served, and one in Vilvoorde, which supports our country and the southern region. In Belgium and Luxembourg, DPD BeLux now has 1 hub and 8 depots from which a fleet of over 1,000 vehicles operates. In total, DPD BeLux provides work for around 1,500 families.

Source: DPD

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