DPD France launches new after-hours and PUDO services for e-commerce and individual customers


DPD France has announced that it is bolstering its range of services for e-commerce and individual customers. The company is currently launching its evening (and Saturday morning) premium home delivery service with concierge services, named ‘Mister Pasha’, and is also deploying France’s first network for parcel drop-off and pick-up by car, called ‘Pickup Drive’,

With Mister Pasha, DPD France offers individual customers a two-in-one Premium Service of evening and weekend delivery, as well as a concierge service. The service will apply to both single parcel and multiple-parcel shipments. It will also give customers the option to have their packages stored for up to 30 days and will allow customers to receive up to 10 parcels from multiple orders in a single delivery.

The service is currently available in Paris and will soon be rolled out to the whole of the Ile-de-France region. It also comes with an app wherein customers can track the progress of the delivery and storage of their orders and pay for delivery directly via the app.

The Retail Innovation Manager at DPD France commented, “e-tailers can now choose to add our high-added value premium service Mister Pasha to their range of delivery services. Integration is quick and easy. We are also currently working on Mister Pasha modules for the major e-commerce platforms on the market”.

The Pickup Drive service is, according to the company, “the first network for parcel pick-up and drop-off by car in less than 3 minutes”.

Pickup Drive allows customers to drop off parcels for shipment without waiting. They simply go to the drive-through terminal, enter the number of parcel(s) to be sent directly on the screen and receive a drop-off receipt. A DPD France employee will come to collect them immediately.

“We are the first parcel delivery company in France to offer this ‘plus service’. 3 depots have already been equipped in Fresnes, Trappes and Rodez. The Rennes depot will follow in October. “, commented Jean-Michel Rebillard, Director of Marketing and Communication DPD France.

Source: DPD

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