Gebrüder Weiss opens new California warehouse as it remains positive in light of COVID-19

Gebrüder Weiss has announced a new warehouse location in California’s logistics and distribution hub, the Inland Empire. The new 100,000 sq ft facility, located at 11201 Iberia Street, in Jurupa Valley, is twice the size of Gebrüder Weiss’ existing warehouse in Torrance, California, which employs approximately 20 workers. The company expects to add an equal number of employees at its additional warehouse facility. The expanded capacity will provide both storage and fulfilment solutions aimed at supporting the company’s established strategies and new initiatives to deal with the changing logistics landscape.

Gebrüder Weiss plans to maintain its at-capacity, 50,000 sq ft warehouse facility in Torrance, CA, located only 10 miles from Long Beach Port for the foreseeable future. The company offers a range of services at this location, including cross-dock and consolidation, to complement its storage and fulfilment services in Jurupa Valley.

New employees will be joining throughout the month. “Interviewing, hiring, and onboarding has its challenges right now. However, 95% of our staff are working from home with adequate IT support and hardware vetted and supplied to employees. For those who will work in the warehouse, new safety procedures have been rolled out at all our other warehouses and will be implemented at our Inland Empire location as well,” said Mark McCullough, CEO of Gebrüder Weiss USA.

Safety precautions in use for warehouse employees at Gebrüder Weiss during the COVID-19 outbreak include:

  • Protective gear for all warehouse employees. (masks, gloves, sanitizer, and cleaning procedures)
  • Contactless delivery. Photos are taken of shipments received instead of giving a signature.
  • If a signature is required for delivery, the driver must put the clipboard on a designated space, and employees use their own pens to sign without lifting or touching the clipboard.
  • Segregated work areas respecting “social distancing” regulations.
  • Testing of employees on entry to facilities for signs of COVID-19.

As a full-service logistics provider with standardised global logistics processes, Gebrüder Weiss has a total of approximately 90 logistics facilities, including its locations in the United States, Europe, Asia and along the Silk Road. The company is maintaining its original growth strategy by expanding in the United States on the West Coast in Q2-20 with its new Inland Empire warehouse and is eyeing additional expansion in the Midwest by year’s end. Operations at the new warehouse will be in full swing by April 24, and include two recently won clients. Additional space is ready for potential customers.

In the face of a volatile economy and a global pandemic, Gebrüder Weiss remains bullish about growth in the United States. “Our global business continuity programmes have ensured our ability to maintain service levels at our logistics sites, as well as across our air, sea, and domestic trucking services,” said Mark McCullough.

McCullough pointed out, “Many Gebrüder Weiss’ customers are already starting to look closely at nearshoring supply chains and increasing safety stock levels of critical materials and products. With our new warehouse at Inland Empire, we are well-positioned to help businesses take advantage of these strategies.”

A range of integrated services will be offered by Gebrüder Weiss to clients during these challenging times, “Our strong reputation for service excellence and financial strength as an independent, global brand provides customers with the assurances they need during economic uncertainty. We are here to support their total logistics needs,” McCullough added.

Source: Gebrüder Weiss

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