iForce reported that its planning process for peak season starts in February of each year when the company gathers the statistics to analyse the performance during the previous peak period. According to iForce, starting the review in February allows it to analyse performance over Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, but also throughout January.
The company further explains that this analysis is then combined with each client’s projections for the following year, with the purpose of assessing whether iForce’s infrastructure needs to be restructured, amended or further strengthened. According to the company, doing these analyses at the beginning of the year, provides sufficient time to reconfigure the warehouses during the summer months if necessary.
The company also outlined that it carries out a series of end-to-end stress tests on its IT network in order to identify any further areas of improvement ahead of the significant volumes triggered by Black Friday.
Neil Weightman, Commercial Director at iForce, stated, “The extraordinary growth of multi-channel retailing and record-breaking volumes has meant that planning for the peak season is essentially a year-long exercise”.
To learn more about warehousing requirements for e-commerce logistics, download Ti’s latest report: Global Warehousing and Logistics Networks 2016.
Source: iForce Group