22 November 2017, Bath Uk: Ti is pleased to announce that its latest report Leading European Transport and Logistics Markets 2017 is available for download tomorrow 23 November 2017.
Ti’s latest report, Leading European Transport and Logistics Markets 2017, reveals a small slowdown in growth for the European logistics industry in 2016. This was seen in contract logistics, road freight and express, although freight forwarding growth accelerated.
Macroeconomics can in part explain these differences, but the new report provides context to Ti’s market sizing, detailing the key economic indicators and other factors that explain the state of the European market.
Ti Economist, David Buckby, commented, “European logistics market growth has accelerated notably since the difficulties of just a few years ago. Unsurprisingly, express and parcels is ticking over faster than other core logistics markets as it continues to benefit from the structural shift to online retail. Road freight and contract logistics are seeing slower progress as they are far more tied to economic growth. Freight forwarding is a different story as global economic conditions matter more, and growth has continued to pick up since the final quarter of last year.”
In addition to the overall European situation, Ti examines the logistics dynamics of 26 countries. Using data from the World Bank, World Economic Forum, Eurostat and IMF, it explains the strengths and weaknesses of these markets.
Ti also reveals individual market sizes as well as the overall market leaders and their revenues in each country*. There are familiar names across the continent. DHL leads in over half of all surveyed countries, but there are different leaders in every other market.
Furthermore, the report provides details of what the future might look like for these countries. Four-year real compound annual growth rate forecasts are given for logistics markets in each country**.
To capture growth over the long run, countries need to have the necessary transport infrastructure. Ti provides details on the master plans, visions and key projects devised by governments aiming to seize this growth. Where these are not up to scratch, or simply not in place, volumes will be diverted elsewhere.
Countries are evidently competing on a continental scale. The ranking of Europe’s top 20 container ports reveals that Rotterdam continues to lead Antwerp in Northern Europe, whilst Algeciras trumps its Spanish rival Valencia in the Mediterranean. Many ports have ambitious plans for capturing transhipment freight, but it seems unlikely that there is enough freight to go around for everyone to succeed. The last five years of data makes clear how each port is tussling with one another for market position. Similarly, intra- and extra-EU air freight volumes are provided for each EU country for five years.
Domestic, international and cabotage road freight traffic volumes are also revealed for each country. Unsurprisingly, Germany dominates, but Poland continues to capture volumes. Here, road freight prices have risen more drastically than any other country over the last 10 years.
In summary, this report provides a full review of the state of the European market, and gives insight into how it may evolve in the years to come.
The New Leading European Transport and Logistics Markets 2017 report will be available to download on Thursday 23rd November – you can pre-order the report today and save 25%.
*Contract logistics, express, freight forwarding and road freight market sizing revealed for most of 26 countries, but not all. Market leaders provided for 22 out of 26 countries in report.
**Where 2016 market sizing is provided for a country, forecasts accompany the data.
About Transport Intelligence
Transport Intelligence (Ti) is one of the world’s leading providers of expert research and analysis dedicated to the global logistics industry. Utilising the expertise of professionals with decades of experience in the mail, express and logistics industry, Ti has developed a range of market leading web-based products, reports, profiles and services used by all the world’s leading logistics suppliers, consultancies and banks as well as many users of logistics services.
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