Deutsche Post DHL Group


Gain a 360-degree view of Deutsche Post DHL Group and make more informed decisions for your company.

This Profile Report will empower users to assess Deutsche Post DHL Group‘s:

  • Operational and financial performance
  • Investments in technology and digitalisation
  • Exposure to verticals
  • Company performance in various logistics markets
  • Sustainability initiatives, targets and progress towards targets
  • Deutsche Post DHL Group’s strategic outlook


Included in this Report:

What factors are shaping the company’s growth prospect?

  • Access detailed analysis of the company’s operational and financial performance.

What is the company’s financial position?

  • Access detailed financial performance analysis by segment and identify which segments and markets are most profitable for the company.

What is driving the company’s success?

  • Get a better understanding of the company’s network, service offering across various logistics markets, exposure to vertical sectors and technology offering.

How is the company leveraging technologies to drive growth?

  • Get insights into company’s approach to digital transformation and its plans for leverage technologies to achieve its objectives.

Which vertical sectors does the company specialise in?

  • The report assesses the company’s strategies and service offering in various industries including automotive, chemical, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, etc.

What is the company’s sustainability strategy?

  • Get a better understanding of the company’s sustainability strategy, targets and emissions.

What is the company’s M&A strategy?

  • Get an overview of merger and acquisition deals segmented by region/country, logistics market and industry.

What are the company’s major clients?

  • Get access to a detailed list of major contracts with shippers, segmented by region/country, industry and logistics market.

What is the company’s potential future performance?

  • Get an insight into the strategic plans and goals of the company and the actions it plans to take to get there. 


This Profile Report will empower users to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Track company finances
  • Analyse strategic and operational development (including volumes, market presence, network expansions etc.)
  • Monitor M&A activity

This Profile Report will empower users to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Track company finances
  • Analyse strategic and operational development (including volumes, market presence, network expansions etc.)
  • Monitor M&A activity

When you purchase this report, you will receive a downloadable file within 24 hours, this is to ensure the most up to date information is included.


About Deutsche Post DHL Group

Based in Germany, newly renamed DHL Group is one of the world's largest logistics providers, employing over 600,000 people and operating in over 220 countries. Its Deutsche Post and  DHL brands cover a wide range of services for managing and transporting mail, goods and information.  

The company has its origins in the former German state mail, telecoms and post saving bank. In 1989, the German government decided to split these business functions and give them separate management structures.  In 1995  legislation was passed, which turned Deutsche Post from a government department into a private company. This enabled the management to work towards the privatisation of the company, which was partly achieved in November 2000. At this time the German government sold 31% of Deutsche Post, realising €6.6bn from the sale.  Deutsche Post DHL is now traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange as DPW. The Germany Federal Government, through the state-owned development bank KfW Bankengruppe, holds a 21% stake in Deutsche Post DHL, and is the largest single shareholder. 

The company operates through five major divisions: 

  • Post & Parcel Germany 
  • Express 
  • eCommerce Solutions
  • Global Forwarding, Freight 
  • Supply Chain.