European Road Freight Transport 2024
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Growth outlook for European road freight remains subdued, however macroeconomic forecasts are changing positively. New Ti data projects the market will return to growth in 2024, growing by 1.6%. What’s the growth outlook for domestic and international markets and out to 2028?
Ti’s European Road Freight Transport 2024 report provides in depth data and comparative analysis.
The full report analyses the competitive landscape in the market and offers in-depth market projections and trade forecasts: an essential tool for business leaders making critical decisions.
The report contains:
- Market sizing, growth rates and forecasts for 2023 and 2024 - 2028, split by country, domestic & international.
- Analysis of the key factors influencing demand, growth, opportunities, and challenges within the European Road Freight market.
- In-depth analysis and cost of ownership comparison of hydrogen, battery electric and diesel trucks.
- European Road Freight Transport Provider Profiles.
- Comparison of M&A activity within the market, including activity across sectors and regions.
- Competitive landscape analysis.
- Analysis of Ti's State of Logistics European Road Freight Survey 2024.
- Profiles of the top 10 most promising road freight start-ups in the European market.
The report contains:
- Market sizing, growth rates and forecasts for 2023 and 2024 - 2028, split by country, domestic & international.
- Analysis of the key factors influencing demand, growth, opportunities, and challenges within the European Road Freight market.
- In-depth analysis and cost of ownership comparison of hydrogen, battery electric and diesel trucks.
- European Road Freight Transport Provider Profiles.
- Comparison of M&A activity within the market, including activity across sectors and regions.
- Competitive landscape analysis.
- Analysis of Ti's State of Logistics European Road Freight Survey 2024.
- Profiles of the top 10 most promising road freight start-ups in the European market.
Key Questions:
- How fast is the market forecast to grow out to 2028?
- How fast are domestic and international road freight markets forecast to grow out to 2028?
- Who are the top 10 road freight start-ups to watch in 2024?
- Automotive and e-commerce are important drivers of road freight growth, how will these markets perform over the coming months?
- What strategies are providers implementing in response to increased tolls?
- Which decarbonization pathway is the most cost effective?
- Which sector is the most attractive target for consolidation among road freight forwarders?
- Who are the Top 20 European Road Freight providers?
- Which sectors offer the best prospects for volume growth?
Key Findings:
- The European road freight market is projected to expand by 1.6% in 2024.
- Domestic and international road freight markets will return to growth in 2024.
- Almost all European road freight markets are forecasted to grow in 2024.
- Toll increases across Europe will raise road freight rates by 5% to 10%.
- 5% of survey respondents state that load optimisation is one of the most effective strategies to mitigate rising operating costs.
- Consumer goods, high-tech and pharmaceuticals offer the best prospects for volume growth.
- A vast majority of surveyed road freight companies developed their digital freight booking platform internally.
- Almost all of the top 20 European road freight providers saw revenues decline in 2023.
- DB Schenker accounts for 1.8% of the road freight market, and is the clear market leader.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 TABLE OF FIGURES 7 1. ROAD TRANSPORT - STATE OF LOGISTICS SURVEY 2024 11 1.1 Sample demographics 11 1.2 Margins 13 1.3 Market structure and FTL & LTL split 16 1.4 Sustainability 21 1.5 Tolls 24 1.6 Operating costs and strategies to mitigate rising operating costs 25 1.7 Verticals 27 1.8 Investment focus areas 28 1.9 Challenges 30 1.10 Technology 32 1.11 Digital Freight Platforms 34 2. TOP 10 ROAD FREIGHT START-UPS TO WATCH IN 2024 36 2.1 MANSIO- Truck Transport Solution 36 2.2 CO2OPT - Tire Management 37 2.3 Kodiak Robotics, Inc. - Autonomous trucks: kodiakDriver solution 38 2.4 Viaopt - Digital freight network for private fleets 40 2.5 Nuvocargo Inc. - Digital Freight Forwarder 41 2.6 ISEE, Inc. – Autonomous Vehicles powered by AI 43 2.7 folofly Co., Ltd. - Electric Vehicles 44 2.8 Clockwork Logistics Systems 45 2.9 Torch Logistics, Inc. - Short-haul specialists powered by technology 46 2.10 Cargon Logística e Tecnologia SA - Green Logistics, Fleet management 47 3. EUROPEAN ROAD FREIGHT TRANSPORT MARKET SIZE & GROWTH - 2023, 2024 AND 2028 49 3.1 Introduction 49 3.2 European Road Freight Transport Market Size & Growth 50 3.2.1 European Road Freight Transport Market Size & Growth 2023 50 3.2.2 European Road Freight Transport Market Size & Growth 2024 (F) 51 3.2.3 European Road Freight Transport Market Size & Growth 2028 (F) 53 3.3 Summary of market conditions 55 3.3.1 Demand side factors 55 3.2.1 Supply side factors 57 3.4 Total European Road Freight Transport Market Size & Growth by Country 62 3.4.1 Total European Road Freight Transport Market Size by Country – 2023 62 3.4.2 Total European Road Freight Transport Market Size by Country – 2024 (F) 65 3.4.3 Total European Road Freight Transport Market Size by Country – 2028 (F) 68 3.4.4 Domestic European road freight market size and growth 70 3.4.5 International European road freight market size and growth 74 4. COST COMPARISON OF HYDROGEN, BATTERY ELECTRIC AND DIESEL TRUCKS - WHICH DECARBONIZATION PATHWAY IS THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE? 78 4.1 Overview 78 4.2 Capital costs for diesel, BET and FCET 79 4.3 Fuel Costs 82 4.4 Maintenance Costs 87 4.5 Government Regulation – Road Tolls 90 4.6 TCO comparison for diesel, BET and FCET 92 4.7 Conclusion 97 5. COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE - COMPARISON OF EUROPEAN ROAD FREIGHT PROVIDERS 100 5.1 FINANCIAL COMPARISON - TOP 20 100 5.1.1 Revenue comparison 100 5.1.2 Profit and Margin comparison 101 5.2 comparison of M&A activity in the European Road Freight Market 104 5.2.1 European Road Freight M&A activity across sectors 107 5.2.2 European Road Freight M&A activity across regions 108 5.3 Employees AND FLEET comparison 110 5.3.1 Employees 110 5.3.2 Fleet 112 5.4 Operational Analysis in the European Road 114 5.5 Comparison of Sustainability Initiatives and Performance 117 .5.1 Comparison of Sustainability Initiatives and Performance 2023 117 5.5.2 Comparison of Targets 117 5.5.3 Comparison of Performance 122
5.5.4 Top 20 European Road Freight Providers - Alternative Fuels Fleet Composition 130 6. European Road Freight Transport Provider Profiles 136 6.1 CEVA/GEFCO 136 6.1.1 Background 136 6.1.2 Finances 137 6.1.3 Operations 137 6.1.4 Acquisitions 139 6.1.5 Technology 139 6.1.6 Sustainability 139 6.1.7 Outlook 141 6.2 Dachser 142 6.2.1 Background 142 6.2.2 Finances 142 6.2.3 Operations 144 6.2.4 M&As 146 6.2.5 Investments 147 6.2.6 Technology 147 6.2.7 Sustainability 148 6.2.8 Strategic Outlook 148 6.3 DB Schenker 150 6.3.1 Background 150 6.3.2 Finances 151 6.3.3 Operations 153 6.3.4 Acquisitions 154 6.3.5 Technology 155 6.3.6 Sustainability 156 6.3.7 Strategic Outlook 157 6.4 DPDHL 161 6.4.1 Background 161 6.4.2 Finances 162 6.4.3 Operations 165 6.4.4 Technology 166 6.4.5 Sustainability 167 6.4.6 Strategic Outlook 169 6.5 DSV A/S 171 6.5.1 Background 171 6.5.2 Finances 172 6.5.3 Operations 175 6.5.4 Investments or Acquisitions 176 6.5.5 Technology 176 6.5.6 Sustainability 178 6.5.7 Strategic Outlook 179 6.6 FEDEX 180 6.6.1 Background 180 6.6.2 Finances 180 6.6.3 Operations 183 6.6.4 Technology 184 6.6.5 Sustainability 185 6.6.6 Outlook 186 6.7 GEODIS 187 6.7.1 Background 187 6.7.2 Acquisitions 187 6.7.3. Finances 188 6.7.4 Operations 189 6.7.5 Technology 191 6.7.6 Sustainability 192 6.7.7 Outlook 193 6.8 Kuehne + Nagel 195 6.8.1 Background 195 6.8.2 Finances 195 6.8.3 Operations 198 6.8.4 Technology 200 6.8.5 Sustainability 201 6.8.6 Outlook 202 6.9 LKW Walter 204 6.9.1 Background 204 6.9.2 Finances 205 6.9.3 Operations 205 6.9.4 Service expansions 207 6.9.5 Technology 207 6.9.6 Sustainability 208 6.9.7 Strategic Outlook 208 6.10 Rhenus Logistics 210 6.10.1 Background 210 6.10.2 Finances 210 6.10.3 Operations 211 6.10.4 Acquisitions 213 6.10.5 Technology 214 6.10.6 Sustainability 215 6.10.7 Outlook 216 |
European road freight market to return to growth in 2024 and expand by 1.6%
The European Road Freight Transport 2024 Report from Transport Intelligence – the leading provider of market research to the global logistics industry – shows a picture of muted growth, however the
forecasts on macroeconomic metrics seem to be changing positively.
The European Road Freight Transport 2024 is written by industry researchers, analysts and utilising data from Ti’s GSCi knowledge portal, a data powerhouse with over 1 million pieces of data and analysis.
The market contracted by 2.1% in real terms in 2023 (-5.8% nominally) due largely to Europe’s slowdown throughout the year and challenging macroeconomic conditions. 2023 presented a challenging landscape characterised by adverse global macroeconomic conditions. High inflation and interest rates contributed to a reduction in consumer spending, exerting downward pressure on freight demand throughout the year. Although the eurozone somehow managed to avoid a recession in 2023, the beginning of 2024 remains subdued and a soft landing is expected for most of Europe in 2024. The main source for the 2024 recovery will be strengthening household demand as a result to improving real incomes from higher nominal wage growth and disinflation.
In summary, the outlook for the European road freight market remains subdued. Key downside risks to the forecast for the European road freight market include a renewed increase in energy prices and the potential for tighter lending criteria, rising interest rates and persistent and more volatile inflation as well as weak external demand.
Viki Keckarovska, Research Manager at Ti, says: “The outlook for the European road freight market remains subdued, however the forecasts on macroeconomic metrics seem to be changing positively. These positive macroeconomic forecasts should aid a cautiously optimistic prediction for road freight activity in 2024 and beyond.”
Report highlights
- In 2023, the European road freight market was worth €424,200m. The market contracted by 2.1% in real terms in 2023 (-5.8% nominally) due largely to Europe’s slowdown throughout the year and challenging macroeconomic conditions.
- The European road freight market is projected to return to growth in 2024, expanding by 1.6% in real terms (holding prices and exchange rates constant) to reach €431,110m.
- Ti data shows that the total European road freight market will see a real CAGR of 2.1% from 2023 to 2028.
- Ti’s State of Logistics Road Freight Survey 2024 reveals that 78.7% of road freight companies are currently experiencing increased pressure on margins as costs soar and demand weakens. The top three strategies to sustain profit margins include technology investments, improved vehicle utilisation-reduction of empty miles, and offering new/more value-added services.
- Where BETs have already reached TCO parity with internal combustion engine diesel trucks across much of Europe, there is no reasonable time period in which FCETs will achieve such parity due to the capital cost and the cost of the hydrogen fuel. The cost of hydrogen fuel impacts the TCO across all regions as the cost per kg combined with fuel efficiency will considerably add to the capital costs. BETs cost parity with internal combustion engine diesel trucks varies regionally, with different political policies on low emissions transport affecting TCO.
- DB Schenker has continued to maintain its place as the leader in the European road freight market, with revenues of €7.8bn in 2023.
The full report also analyses the competitive landscape in the European road freight market and offers in-depth market projections and trade forecasts: an essential tool for business leaders making critical decisions. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the total cost of ownership (TCO) and a comparison of real-world capital costs, fuel costs, maintenance costs and taxation for battery electric trucks (BETs), fuel cell electric trucks (FCETs) and diesel trucks. The report also contains profiles of the top 10 most promising road freight start-ups in the European market.
Viki Keckarovska is a Senior Research Analyst with vast experience in the design, implementation and analysis of electronic and person-to-person surveys. Having worked across a number of sectors, including retail, luxury goods and FMCG, Viki is experienced in gaining valuable insights across brand perception, voice of customer and strategic re-positioning intelligence campaigns for B-to-B and B-to-C clients. As a member of the Market Research Society, Viki brings best practice in research, insight and analytics across Ti.
Shruti Sasidharan is a seasoned market research professional offering extensive experience in conducting in-depth market analysis and interpreting data across a multitude of sectors on a global level.
This report is perfect for
This report is specifically written to provide comprehensive and easily accessible strategic information to those involved or with an interest in this sector as well as:
- Global manufacturers
- Banks and financial institutions
- Supply chain managers and directors
- Logistics procurement managers
- Marketing managers
- Knowledge managers
- Investors
- All C-level executives