Global Express and Small Parcels
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Global Express & Small Parcels 2024 provides detailed analysis of the global express and parcels market, including market size and forecast data, market segmentation, volume and revenue data and forecasts, express trends, competitive analysis & company profiles.
Global express & parcels market grows 3.8% in 2023, and is forecast to grow 9.2% in 2024. Global parcel delivery volume growth recovered in 2023, growing by 6.4%.
Ti’s market report provides the insight and data you need to understand market dynamics and opportunities. For the first time the report contains parcel volume data and forecasts.
This report contains:
- Market size and forecast data for 2023, 2024 and out to 2028, split by region, country, domestic, international & B2B/B2C.
- Volume forecasts for 2023, 2024 & out to 2028.
- Market segmentation - domestic vs international & B2B v B2C.
- e-commerce market trend analysis including key parcel locker players, crowdsourcing & EU regulations, electric light commercial vehicles & e-cargo bikes in urban last mile delivery.
- Competitive landscape Top 10 analysis - revenues, & parcel volumes & integrator comparative review.
- Express provider profiles & comparative analysis.
This report contains:
- Market size and forecast data for 2023, 2024 and out to 2028, split by region, country, domestic, international & B2B/B2C.
- Volume forecasts for 2023, 2024 & out to 2028.
- Market segmentation - domestic vs international & B2B v B2C.
- e-commerce market trend analysis including key parcel locker players, crowdsourcing & EU regulations, electric light commercial vehicles & e-cargo bikes in urban last mile delivery.
- Competitive landscape Top 10 analysis - revenues, & parcel volumes & integrator comparative review.
- Express provider profiles & comparative analysis.
Key Findings
- In 2024 the global express market will grow 9.2%.
- Global parcel delivery volumes recovered in 2023, growing 6.4%.
- Domestic accounted for 80% of the market in 2023, but the international market is growing at a faster rate.
- B2C accounted for 59.4% of the total market in 2023, and is expected to surge 61.3% over the next 5 years to 2028.
- UPS, Fedex and DHL are the largest parcel carriers by revenue.
- Digital retail is transforming the market and highlighting the need for logistics providers to adapt to evolving market dynamics.
Key Questions
- How fast is the market forecast to grow out to 2028?
- How fast are domestic, international, B2B & B2C markets forecast to grow in in 2024 and out to 2028?
- How are regional markets performing? Which regions are driving market growth?
- What will be the drivers of express logistics growth over the next 5 years?
- Who are the leading parcel locker players across Europe?
- What does the EU Platform Work Directive mean for last mile providers?
- Who were the Top 10 Leading Global Parcel Carriers by volume in 2023?
Nia Hudson joined Ti as a research analyst in 2021. She studied History as an undergraduate, before moving on to complete a master’s in public policy at Bristol University, where she developed a keen interest in globalisation and supply chains. During her time at Bristol, she also worked as a teaching assistant in a primary school. Nia is passionate about research and contributes to Logistics Reports and Ti’s Global Supply Chain intelligence portal.
Paul Chapman has extensive experience across a wide range of parcels, delivery and logistics markets. He has authored many reports covering Global, European and UK parcels and logistics markets as well as working on consulting assignments for clients and investors in the sector. His previous experience includes being Research Director at Apex Insight, Logistics Research Manager at Datamonitor and co-founder of Analytiqa. He has a BA in Modern Languages with Business Studies from Swansea University.
1. Market Sizing 7 1.1 Global 9 1.1.1 Domestic and International 11 1.1.2 B2B and B2C 12 1.2 North America 14 1.2.1 Domestic and International 16 1.2.2 B2B and B2C 17 1.3 Asia Pacific 19 1.3.1 Domestic and International 21 1.3.2 B2B & B2C 23 1.4 Europe 25 1.4.1 Domestic and International 27 1.4.2 B2B & B2C 28 1.5 Volume Analysis 30 1.5.1 Global 30 1.5.2 Volume by Region 30 2. Market Trends 32 2.1 Parcel Lockers in Europe: Key Players 32 2.1.1 InPost 32 2.1.2 Geopost 33 2.1.3 Royal Mail/GLS 33 2.1.4 DHL 34 2.1.5 Amazon 34 2.2 Crowdsourcing Delivery and EU Regulations 36 2.3 Electric Light Commercial Vehicles: Global LSP Uses and Uptake 39 2.3.1 China 43 2.3.2 Europe 43 2.3.3 US/North America 43 2.3.4 US/EU trade sanctions against China EV OEMs 44 2.4 E-cargo Bikes in Urban Last Mile Delivery 46 3. Competitive Landscape 52 3.1 Top 10 Providers 52 3.1.1 Revenue 52 3.1.2 Volume 53 |
3.2 Integrator Comparative Review 55 3.2.1 International Revenue 55 3.2.2 International EBIT Margin 56 3.2.3 International Volume Growth 57 3.2.4 International Revenue per Piece 58 3.2.5 Ground Operations 59 4. Profiles 61 4.1 UPS 61 4.2 Fedex 65 4.3 Royal Mail (and GLS) 69 4.4 La Poste (and DPD) 72 4.5 Yamato 78 4.6 Sagawa 79 4.7 SF Express 81 4.8 Yunda Express 84 4.9 YTO Express 85 4.10 ZTO Express 88 4.11 STO Express 90 4.12 DHL 92 4.13 USPS 97 5. Market Forecast 100 5.1 Global 100 5.1.1 Domestic and International 100 5.1.2 B2B and B2C 102 5.2 North America 104 5.2.1 Domestic and International 104 5.2.2 B2B and B2C 105 5.3 Asia Pacific 107 5.3.1 Domestic and International 107 5.3.2 B2B & B2C 109 5.4 Europe 110 5.4.1 Domestic and International 110 5.4.2 B2B & B2C 111 5.5 Volume Analysis 113 5.5.1 Global 113
This report is perfect for
- Global manufacturers
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- Supply chain managers and directors
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- All C-level executives