STEF announces €2.98bn turnover in 2017

STEF’s provisional results show its revenues grew 5.4% in 2017. At €2,975.7m, this was a 5% increase on a like-for-like basis.

In Q4, its revenues were up 6.2%, or 5.7% on a like-for-like (and year-over-year) basis to €783.7m. Its largest segment, Transport France produced turnover of €337.2m, up 3.6% year-over-year. STEF said this was mainly due to the development of mid-market clients, but it also managed to maintain stable volumes from its key clients.

After opening two new chilled and temperate dry food logistics sites, Logistics France had €135.5m of turnover in the quarter, up 3.5%. It witnessed further growth in the Out-of-home Catering activity.

Changes were seen in its International Operations, as it purchased Spanish company BADOSA in June 2017. The segment revenues stood at €179.9m, up 6.3% on a comparable basis.

Finally, there was an increase in Maritime revenues after it posted growth of 18.9% in the quarter, driven by a substantial increase in outbound freight at the Port of Marseille.

Source: STEF




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