Building Freight Forwarding Software Capability for the Future

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Digitalisation of the freight forwarding market is now in full swing and a digital service offering is fast becoming the industry benchmark. Freight forwarders of all sizes are now working fast to develop their digital capabilities and are assessing all the options available to them, whether to build their own solution, buy in a white label platform, or integrate a range of different software solutions to build an overall offer.

Our latest whitepaper examines the different strategies available to forwarders looking to develop their digital capabilities, provides case studies of implementations by major forwarders which have pursued different strategies and outlines the different software solutions available on the market.

The paper also features a conclusion written by Logisyn’s Cris Arens (one of the original founders of Cargowise), which assesses the future of the freight forwarding software market and how the options available to forwarders will change in the future.

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