Global Contract Logistics Market Size & Forecasting: 2021-2026

After a decade of growth, the global contract logistics market contracted by 3.3% in 2020, as a strong H2 prevented worse outcomes.

The global contract logistics market surpassed it’s pre-pandemic market value in 2021, growing at a rate of 8.7% and reaching a total market value of €238,007m. Ti’s latest market sizing data reveals this growth will continue throughout 2022 with 7.1% growth predicted for the full year. Regional growth has also followed a similar trajectory, with all regions experiencing market growth in 2021, and surpassing pre-pandemic levels.

Our latest whitepaper breaks down our latest contract logistics market size and forecast data, in global and regional terms. The whitepaper contains 2021 growth rates and market size data, and 2021-2026 growth projections. The whitepaper also addresses the performance of key vertical sectors within each region, including retail, pharma and automotive.

Use the whitepaper to understand the future of contract logistics and the potential within each region and sector.

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