Global contract logistics market to grow 3.8% in 2023 – how fast will the market grow by 2027? And which regions are driving global growth?
New data from Ti reveals the global contract logistics market grew by just 2.9% in 2022, the slowest positive growth rate since 2014 (outside of 2020 contraction rates). The market is expected to see an improved growth rate in 2023, with Ti’s latest data projecting the market will grow by 3.8%.
Out to 2027, the global market is projected to grow by a CAGR of 4.1%, reaching a value of €335,056.8m.
Ti’s latest whitepaper provides a breakdown of:
2022, 2023 and 2027 market sizes and growth rates, including regional breakdowns and analysis.
An analysis of the market situation including supply and demand factors and trends, industry consolidation, vertical sector performance and the impact of supply chain disruption.
A breakdown of contract logistics revenue year-on-year change.
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