Global e-commerce Logistics Market Forecasts 2021-2026

Ti’s newly published Global e-commerce logistics market forecasts reveal the market grew by an impressive 19.9% in 2021, though this is a considerable slow down from the 27.3% growth seen in 2020. Ti forecasts that the e-commerce logistics market will grow at a CAGR of 11.8% between 2021 and 2026.

Regionally, Asia Pacific’s e-commerce logistics market remains the largest in 2021, but by 2026 Ti forecasts that North America will have the largest market share.

Our latest whitepaper contains a full breakdown of global and regional 2021 e-commerce logistics market size data, and 5 year CAGR growth rates out to 2026. The whitepaper addresses e-commerce logistics market trends, both globally and by region.

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