Global Freight Procurement 2022 Survey Whitepaper

Between March and May 2022, Ti undertook its Global Freight Procurement Survey, designed to provide insight into logistics purchasing behaviour trends. Our latest whitepaper provides a summary of the survey key findings and addresses capacity, use of the spot market, contract types and lengths, data usage and resilience strategies.

Key Findings:

  • The primary reason to turn to the spot market in the past 12 months was to get access to capacity.
  • The majority of shippers don’t use real-time data to support their freight procurement decisions (55.4%).
  • Reducing operational costs continues to be top of mind for shippers as ‘Price’ is considered the most important criterion when selecting transportation partners.
  • An overwhelming majority of shippers have done a modal switch in the past 12 months (72.3%), highlighting that shippers have quickly reacted and adjusted to the new reality and market changes.

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