Global Pharmaceutical Logistics: Market Size and Forecasts 2022-2027

Pharmaceutical supply chain models are evolving. New manufacturing techniques, the primacy of customized, specific treatments and global supply chain changes are transforming market opportunities and impacting regional performance.

  • In 2022, the total global pharmaceutical logistics market was valued at €92,501.9m and global growth slowed down from 9.53 % in 2020-21 to 0.35% in 2021-22. How fast will the market grow by 2027?
  • As of 2022, the market was dominated on a regional level by North America, closely followed by Europe. Will this regional performance continue? How are other regions performing?

Download our latest whitepaper, Global Pharmaceutical Logistics: Market Size & Forecasts 2022-2027 to access all the latest growth and performance data for 2022 through to 2027.

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