Ti’s latest market data for the Global e-commerce Logistics market show that it grew at a rapid 27.3% in 2020, as the impact of Covid-19 accelerated growth. Ti’s latest forecasts out to 2025 also show that the market will grow by a 2020-2025 CAGR of 8.6%. Growth over the forecast period is set to moderate as the response to the pandemic has frontloaded growth with multiple years of online retail adoption compressed in to 2020 and 2021. Nevertheless, growth from €289bn in 2019 to €557bn by 2025 represents an enormous leap forward for the market.
Download our latest whitepaper for a full breakdown of Global e-commerce post-Covid forecasts for more detailed analysis of global, regional and country specific 2020-2025 projections, as well as ‘low’ and ‘high’ forecasts, enabling a broad view of potential e-commerce market growth for the next 5 years.
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Ti’s Global Supply Chain intelligence database (GSCi) contains comprehensive analysis of the e-commerce logistics market, including: