The COVID Recovery Tracker: European Road Freight Market Forecasts for 2021

Lorry on motorway in motion

Ti’s latest forecasts reveal the European road freight market is projected to show positive growth in 2021, expanding by 4.7% in real terms, marking a recovery from 2020. Recovery will not be quick however, as Ti’s COVID Recovery Tracker 2021 (CRT21) projects the total market will still be 1.5% smaller in 2021 than it was in 2019. The domestic market is projected to fare slightly better with the CRT21 showing the market will be 1.4% smaller than it was in 2019. The international market looks to be slightly worse off with the CRT21 showing it will be 1.6% smaller.

Download our latest whitepaper for a full breakdown of European Road Freight post-Covid forecasts, including detailed analysis of domestic and international market growth and projections.

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