The Conran Shop Picks Wincanton for Premium UK Home Deliveries


The Conran Shop, a retailer specialising in modern furniture, lighting, and home accessories, has selected Wincanton as its exclusive premium home delivery provider for customers in the UK.

Under this partnership, Wincanton, a prominent supply chain partner in the UK, will manage a high-quality home delivery service for The Conran Shop’s customers. The orders will be processed from six different fulfillment centers across the UK.

“We’re honored to be chosen by The Conran Shop, a brand known for its commitment to quality, as their home delivery partner. We’re excited to enhance the level of customer service for The Conran Shop’s clientele, while also supporting their carbon-neutral delivery objectives and contributing to their future growth,” stated Carl Moore, Managing Director of eFulfilment at Wincanton.

“I’m delighted to collaborate with Wincanton for our home delivery service. Their unwavering focus on customer satisfaction aligns perfectly with our dedication to ensuring that all our valued customers receive exceptional service from beginning to end,” said Peter Jenkins, CEO of The Conran Shop.

Source: Wincanton

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