XPO updates benefits programme for US employees to include Pandemic Paid Sick Leave


XPO announced that it has updated its benefits programme for US employees to include Pandemic Paid Sick Leave, up to two weeks of paid sick leave in addition to its existing paid time-off policy. The company is now providing up to two weeks of 100%-paid sick leave (up to ten days or 80 hours) per full-time employee.

Pandemic Paid Sick Leave can be utilised when an employee or someone he or she shares a house with is being tested for COVID-19 or awaiting test results; under mandatory quarantine or self-quarantine. The Pandemic Sick Leave is retroactive to March 1, 2020 and will be in effect until May 15, 2020. These paid sick days are in addition to the company’s standard paid time off policy.

Other measures that the company has already implemented included provision of hand sanitiser or gloves; no-contact delivery procedures; having site managers conducting screening questions with employees about health, travel and contact with others before entering XPO’s premises; instructing employees to practice hygiene and social distancing measures in all locations where possible.

Outside of the US, XPO said that it will continue to offer comprehensive sick leave benefits in compliance with local regulations.

Source: XPO Logistics 

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