YRC Freight and BNSF strengthen intermodal commerce

BNSF six new sites

YRC Freight announced that by the end of 2019, YRC and BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) plan to onboard more than 600 branded intermodal containers. These new containers are part of the YRC commitment to acquire 1,000 branded intermodal containers by the end of 2020. Most of the containers will travel between Chicago and Southern California on BNSF’s network.

Intermodal operations between truck and rail are a valuable emissions reduction strategy in the central and western United States to move trailers/containers over long distances. YRC Freight deploys a number of strategies to reduce its carbon footprint including its work with BNSF, use of longer combination vehicles, onboarding of new tractors with advanced emission reduction technologies and integration of routing and load optimization software.

“Operationally, all intermodal companies are looking at how to improve efficiency,” said YRC Freight Senior Vice President, Operations, Maynard Skarka. “Currently, we use smaller trailers called ‘pups’ to transport freight for our customers. This new shift to our branded containerized units will allow us to stay aligned with intermodal companies as we both look for operational efficiencies.”

Source: BNSF

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